It took a generation to get out of a mind-set of slavery to a god-king and into a life of service to the God who is King.
It was the night before the exodus from one stage in the life of a nation and into the transition to a new life and awareness of YHWH as King. The preparations took some time to organize. Food was central to the preparation, the passover lamb and bread served as visual aids for generations to come.
When we look at our families, can we identify the struggles of faith and fortune that our family had as they came to terms with the change in our lives?
I am sure we have our own "visual aids" that engrave conversations and events in our minds. Siobhan
2 Timothy 1:9
“He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we
have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us
in Chr...
22 hours ago
In most cultures, firstborn sons are considered special, and in Egypt, they were considered sacred. Well our thoughts can go with that one. Israel His firstborn ex. 4:22
ReplyDeleteAt the very beginning of their conflict, Moses warned Pharoah that the way he treated God's firsborn would determine how God treated Egypt's firstborn. Pharoah had tried to kill the Jewish male babies in slaying the firstborn, the Lord was simply paying pharaoh back with his own currency of choice.I'm also thinking that God pretty much made a show of His effectiveness on Egypts gods ineffectiveness. And the firstborn sons were sacred. God's justice always is fair but not pretty. I have trusted God's justice instead of me trying to revenge a situation turn it over to the Lord to deal with His way. And to tell you the truth when YHWH steps in I feel sorry for people. He says vengence is mine saith the Lord God. Diana
Thanks Diana, I hadn't thought of that before. Its a good point.
ReplyDeleteIrish mothers also have a reputation of their boys being treated as both special and sacred!
I like what you pointed out Diana, that God returned the exact vengence on Pharoah that Pharoah had done to the Children of Israel.
ReplyDeleteThose of the Children of Israel who did not put the blood over the door posts were making a stand to stick with Pharoah. They then reaped the same crop.
When we choose the world's way over God's, even though we are his children, he will allow us to share in the world's crop.
Shirley Fay