Micah 6:8
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require
of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
1 day ago
Encouraging the daily reading of the Scriptures.
Well from my understanding The Lord had talked to Jacob in a dream and told him exactly what to do(31:1-3. All Jacob wanted for his wages was the privilege of building his own flock of sheep and goats from the speckled and spotted animals in Laban’s flocks, animals that were considered inferior anyway. These would be separated three days’ journey from Laban’s flock so that Laban could investigate at any time and would know whether Jacob was robbing him.
ReplyDeleteJacob’s peeled sticks belonged in the same category as Rachel’s mandrakes: They were both superstitious practices that had nothing to do with what actually happened. It was multiplied the spotted and streaked sheep and goats, and increased Jacob’s wealth quickly. At Bethel , God promised to bless Jacob, and He kept His promise (28:13-15), and since Laban had agreed to Jacob’s terms, he could do nothing about the results. All the animals belonged to Jacob. During the next six years, Jacob became a very wealthy man because of his faith and the blessing of the Lord. Diana